Friday 31 January 2014

How to Quit Cigarette smoking? It is easy Post-2

BE (M&P), MBA (HRM), M (ACU)

         How this habit grabbed a gentle man in the form of fun. Any professional and lateral thinkers are always trying something; unfortunately the habit is one among their new step. Mostly the personalities and actors who is become very passionate to a person simply following his styles and start their journey and moving like a locomotive engine.

  எப்படி இந்த  பழக்கம் வந்தது .எதையும் முயற்சி செய்து பார்க்கலாம் என்ற உந்துதல் ,பிடித்த நண்பர்கள் .நடிகர்கள் செய்யும் ஸ்டைல் மனதில் பதிய ஆரம்பிக்கும் போது அவர்கள் மேல் உள்ள பிரியத்தினால் அதுபோல் புகைக்கலாம் என்று தோன்றுகிறது .

                See one thing is very true that our media and celebrities having major responsibility in design the life of youths.How a man is become very famous without boundaries. The reason is the power of God follows the person who is following ethics and care on lives.

                 Sachin Tendulkar appeared in many ads but refused to appear in liquor and cigarette  promoting ads, see the social responsibility .The celebrities earn crores of rupees, at least they should realize they also having the same social responsibility and stop

                   In real dynamic working environments, the rough necks and hardworking engineers come across work related stress, target completion, work load etc. Leads them to rest and relax, they require an easy option to relax.

                  Some of them are dejected due to complication in personal life, he never gets relaxed feel at home, most of them reaching, fresh up and leaving the home to meet friends there the join with smoking.

                   In fact there are many friends like people simply indulging a normal man in to pit fall. Mostly failure in relation, friendship trust, love etc… stood behind the reason for the addiction.

                    Only one solution is to identify them, keep away and maintain a safe distance. Sometimes outside smokers are safe when compare with who is smoking inside through vengeance, jealous, back biting and leg pulling plans. Identify and avoid them simply

                  Cigarette Smokers can be seen bad outside but may be good inside; they will be clean one day. But the person who is seems to be smart outside with an evil devil inside never have a chance to become good.

                   Why I am saying this, whatever you do be stay alert. The world repeatedly murmuring a word dyanam,dyanam,dyanam.What is that .The people are confusing to go for yogsanam, lot many exercise, in the busy world no one is having time .But time permits or scheduled , designed it is paying a lot .No doubt .but going in to difficult asanas and exercises makes them boring and quickly coming out from the practice . We will discuss how to do on your own in the on-going process cycle.

           எதை  செய்யும் போதும் கவனம் பிசகாமல் வாழும் போது வாழ்க்கையின் அர்த்தம் புரியும் .தியானம் என்பது அலங்கார வார்த்தை இல்லை அர்த்தமுள்ள வார்த்தையாக பாருங்கள் அதன் அருமை புரியும் 

          நிறைய பேசலாம் நண்பர்களே , வாழ்கை இங்கு வாழ்வதற்காக படைக்கப்பட்டு இருக்கிறது ,சுவர்க்கம் வேறு எங்கோ இருப்பதாக வைத்துக்கொண்டாலும் ,வாழும் இந்த வாழ்க்கையை சொர்க்கமாக  மாற்றிக் கொள்ளலாம்.

          இயல்பு வாழ்கை ,மனநிலை எங்கு தடுமாறுகிறது என்று பார்த்தால்,சமுதாய வாழ்வில் ஏற்படும் சிக்கல்களே பெரும் பங்கு வகிக்கின்றன.சகநண்பர்களின் துரோகம் ,போட்டு கொடுப்பது காலை வாருவது,முகத்திற்கு முன்  நல்லவன் போல் நாடகமாடி நம் வாயை பிடுங்கி நமக்கே வெற்றிலை போடுபவர்கள்  என்று பட்டியல் நீள்கிறது 

       கெட்ட பழக்கங்களின் மூல காரணமே இந்த மாதிரியான  மனஉளைச்சல்தான். ஆனால்   ஒன்று உளைச்சலால் வந்தாலும்,உற்சாகத்தால் வந்தாலும் பாதிக்க போகிறது நம் உடல் ஆரோக்கியம் மட்டுமல்ல ,நம்மையே நம்பி வாழும் நம் குடும்பத்தின் சந்தோசம் , அதை நினைவில் கொள்ளுங்கள் .  

                  Anything beyond the normal activity, actions challenging both physical and mental health it gives comfort feel initially. But it develops insecure feel when it becomes worse and out of control   

                   Driving a car at a controlled speed it cheers up and makes our journey happy. High speed may thrills but Kills. Control yourself my dear friends. I strongly belive if any one of you recover from this harmful habit, I will be happy .Write to me and I am waiting for you to speak .One family saved equals to saving a small nation .

                The house is made up of thousands of bricks , same way a nation is build up with  engineers, doctors , scientist and whatever professionals striving towards excellence for the prosperity of our nation.

               The snake poison in low concentration is used for surgical purpose. It develops mild local blood clotting effect to stop and prevents excess bleeding during surgery .Imagine the effect of concentrated snake poison, Yes definitely fatal. The same way un controlled use of nicotine concentration becomes a slow poison.

“Smoking is Just equals to Suicide Attempt”

                             It is a normal scene in our day to day life start from student, youngsters, engineers, and even doctors are happily smoking. In fact everyone knows the adverse effect of cigarette smoking but they continue with that till it becomes serious and worse.

                   The statement shared by Mark Twain shows the strong hold of the habit and difficulties to quit. He experienced something different in habituating smoking.

புலியைப் பார்த்து பூனை சூடு போட்டுக் கொண்ட கதையாகி விடக்கூடாது 

                The rule is not common to all. In cold climatic countries, people smoking to have extra induced hot sensation feel  . Here India climatic conditions are warm and hot, still making inner organs hot is really dangerous.

                    See the cigarette smoking is primarily responsible for the increased risk blood clotting tendency, Lungs bronchospasm ,muscular tremor and pain, gastro intestinal problems like nausea ,dry mouth ,  dyspepsia ,diarrhoea and heart burn etc…It further develops head ache, sleep disturbances, abnormal dreams ,irritability and dizziness . Further cause increased joint pain, endocrine problems like hyper insulinemia and insulin resistance.

                  The final destination is through heart problems like increased or decreased heart rate, increased blood pressure, coronary artery constriction and fially ends up with CHD-MIOCORDIAL INFRACTION is commonly known as HEART ATTACK


                  My writing is only for the gentle man who wishes to change and having wish to lead happy living. It is not so hard to quit smoking, very simple no medicine, no treatment just spend few minutes, a moment of silence can do wonder.  This article is for silent beautiful butterflies always in search of beautiful fragrance flowers.

I am very sure that I am talking with the nice people and professionals.


Again see the quote of Mark Twain

Please don’t argue with a person, who does not want to change, it is more or less equal to pour milk in the bottomless bucket.

There is a transparent relation between body and mind, the same way wish and will.

If there is a wish there is a will

If there is a will definitely there is a way
The body and mind is interrelated. Your health is good and your mind also will be happy, if you are sorrow minded definitely you will feel ill. First of all you should   believe   you and then listen what I am saying.

Just practice and remember

          ஒரு தடவ முடிவு பண்ணிட்டா என் பேச்சை  நானே கேட்கமாட்டேன் எனறு டயலாக் பேசினாலும் சரி

Be sincere and honest and have a strong wish to quit smoking.

            தூங்குகின்றவனை எழுப்பமுடியும்,தூங்குறது மாதிரி உள்ளவனை எழுப்ப முடியாது  

Effective listening is an ART.Very few of us Knows well and getting benefits

           சொல்வதை கேட்காதவரிடம் சொல்வது ஓட்டை பத்திரத்தில் நீர் ஊற்றுவதற்கு சமம்  

If you believe and wish to change yourself please continue

திருந்த விருப்பம் இருந்தால் மட்டுமே திருந்த  முடியும்

If you believe and wish to change yourself please continue

OK Dear friends meet you again


ஆரூர்  பிச்சை  இராஜசேகரன் 

Tuesday 28 January 2014

How to Quit Cigarette smoking? It is easy : Post-1
BE (M&P), MBA (HRM), M (ACU)

Mission Statement: “Live Long Happy & Healthy”

The real challenge before students and youngsters is in managing their mood and health .Any action continues for 21 days it becomes a habit. Good and bad is one and the same; it retains as habit. Eventually addiction leads to challenge our life.

Why cigarette smokers not able to quit the habit of smoking; they psychologically believes that it is a hardest addition to break. They enjoy with that and have a relief feel .Is it true? Let us go for a SWOT analysis before we decide

The primarily the play member for addiction is Nicotine. On an average most of the cigarettes contain 1 to 3 mg of nicotine. As soon as the lungs grabs the smoke, the nicotine rich blood reaches brain within seven seconds and immediately stimulates the brain and release histamine, serotonin and dopamine .

The Histamine acts as Nero transmitter to think fast and the reason for arriving wise decisions while smoking . Serotonin causes calm and pain relief, the same way dopamine cause drug effect. Whatever the effect the smokers wants; they enjoy with and believes something happens good and comfortable.

See the statement of Albert Einstein; the fact is the lowest concentration of nicotine in cigarette acts as stimulant and relaxant, it causing release of glucose from liver and adrenaline from the adrenal medulla. This stimulates the neurotransmitters with an effect of relaxed feel. But this all true only at low concentration level of nicotine, if it exceeds the limit there is a twist in the story.

A million dollar question is How Long your brain receptors will help in release of Histamine, serotonin and Dopamine , Glucose etc…It is very obvious as the habit continues day by day the receptors become inefficient and there won’t be any response of nicotine.
The Nicotine Dose may require more and more to respond the Neurotransmitters .Again the  very big question is how long your system can manage?

The wings of lungs, why I am saying wings Yes the shape of the lungs you can compare with the bird wings visible outside but GOD protected within your body to fly long

The lungs are the primary supplier of oxygen and the vital energy to the brain .There are thousands of air pockets in the lungs to absorb the vital energy and supplies oxygen to your brain
Remember your lungs are continuously deposited with the precipitated impurities of deposits from the cigarette smoke. The air pocket started blocking one by one and finally ends up.

Do you want your lungs become like this?

Dear friends all engineers and hardworking sincere doctors, dedicated scientists are smoking .The are in the urge to relax. Remember dear friends a small flame is useful for cooking our food, if it turns to huge un controllable furious fire, it will turn in to ashes.

Simply take care about your HEALTH by practicing small check points always. Are you smoking in your office use the ash tray shown below, it remembers and alert every time

Never smoke my dear friends before your children,


 Father is A ROLE MODEL for every KID

“My daddy is the strongest a favourite slogan of any KID”

One simple Question

You want to cheat your ever loving KID


You want to be a Role Model  to your KID for Ever

How this habit winded up your dreams? How quit smoking let us see one by one
OK Dear friends meet you in the next post…