Saturday 15 June 2013

Dear friends ,
                       Introducing my self as a friend having confident that only " Friendship  brings nicest people together". Being an Engineer having confident on our creator , He never create any body without any reasons .The ultimate creation is Human , a complete meaningful creation.God gives all the powers, facilities and freedom to live happy ." Live happily and contribute others to live happily".

               God says Be happy and  gives you all wealth (Money) and Health but Man demands God first you give Wealth (Money) and then I will be happy .Dear friend understand the life . Live every micro second moment meaning fully and happily . A successful man sculpturing ever micro second of his life .  

                 " No lock is being made without keys". We found locks every where in life , under stand why we are using locks ,the reason is to save a precious things is indeed !,and believe you will be surprised after opening  the lock .The key is very near to you .

                   Around us lot of signals for cell phone , radio waves , television waves etc...without specific instrument you cannot feel the signal .A cell phone grabs cell phone signal and we can able to speak on remote .A TV receives TV signals and we are enjoying light and sound .A radio can reach a particular station signal only  after tuning to particular FM wave length   , dear son try to tune God signal you can hear his voice .

            we wish to  excel in our profession ,life and relations .In fact the truth of life is " What we want is not always what we need"  .God never fails to grant our prayers , so keep on going and speak to him without doubting and fixing conditions.

                      In my 48 years of  professional life as an Engineer , had come across lot of hurdles and Elevations and want to share my experience particularly  to to the young generations who  scrolled up them selves under stress  and wish to develop Energetic students and youths for our mother India.

                     Dear son the seed is pressed down to the earth and the pressure does not not makes the seed to bury itself ,indeed explode by braking the pressure as a plant . Don"t feel my son it is the first Test .God is keenly watching you to come out from the earth as a plant to protect you . Be confident one day you will be a fruitful tree .

                    My site is meaning fully named as "MOOLADHARAM" means is the basic of all human beings.Tiruvaur Shri Thyagaraj Temple ruling by Shri . Thiagaraj Swamy samaddha Nilothpalambal Ambigai and Adhi Shakthi   Shri Kamalambikai is a  "MOOLADHARA SHETRAM" dipicts " LAND " out of PANJABOOTHA Shtalas.Know your Mooladhara powers in the holy land and excell your self..

                   Basically Oil field Cementing  Engineer, faculty, Trainer and a healer wish  to interact with you  in all the topics related to complete human life .


Arrur Pitchai Rajasekaran

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