Tuesday 4 February 2014

Design your life -Secrete of Success

How Pain Becomes Gain -Young Generation Should Know

An educated young man went to temple and pray our creator lord Brahma, 

Oh my dear God, I am educated and qualified, un employed and running behind the interviews and people , but I could not find any way to become well settled and famous in life
You are very comfortable, lot many people come and waiting for your blessings,
You are stable and accepting all the offerings for you, standing as an idol and  you   get every thing
But I am blood and skin moving all the places, looks bit charming, but no way to become rich
You have created me now  I am in trouble , Tell me How can  I become well settled without any pain with immediate effect.
He repeatedly visited the temple and started pressurizing the creator
One day he was very much frustrated and asked GOD, “daily I am coming and request you, but you not listening to me , to day I will stay back with you to night till you answer”. He continued his prayer with confidence and slept in the feet of God.
In Dream Lord Brahma appeared and said, dear son get up , I am here to help you , now tell me clearly what is your problem.
The gentle man fresh up and asked, he pleased the God by saying, thanks to listen my voice and come for rescue.
The conversation continued as below
Man: I am well educated, I am qualified in all aspect, but I am un employed have bored in attend interviews, doing business I have no money. Tell me the route how can I become Rich and famous with immediate effect.
GOD: Smiled and asked, you want to be Rich and Famous in over Night
Man: Yes, I am your loving son, tell me the secrete
GOD: OK, Answer the following questions
Man: Oh GOD I just scared about questions asked in interviews, again you are also started questioning, I am tired don’t make me panic further.
GOD: No my son you have to answer, otherwise how to know your competency to receive the secrete of life from me.
The gentle man decided not to miss the appointment opportunity with God
Man: OK ask me
GOD: You are seeing me in the form of well finished statue  as a GOD before you, As You murmured that I am standing and getting all the benefits , fame ,offerings and everything from people , people are daily visiting the temple to see me .Now you tell me before arriving this status , what was my status
Man: You may be as an unfinished stone
GOD: fine, before that
Man: May be Rock State
GOD: OK good, before that
Man: As a Mountain
GOD: Yes my boy I end up my questions
God replied to him as follows
My son I was a very big mountain

An idol maker selected me for his work
He blasted in to pieces

He selected a suitable portion for his work

He dragged me in the sand by pulling using elephant

I traveled a long journey to reach his art work shop by truck,

Imagine How much pain I have experienced during this process, I have tolerated the pain but after that
a real panic experience started at his art work shop

He started chiseling me day by day,

he removed all my unwanted portions to design me a beautiful sculpture. The pain of experience every day cannot spell in words, but I was waiting and obeyed sincerely.
Now I am a completed idol before you.
My experience as GOD is the message for you, As a GOD; I am not escaped in experiencing pain to become GOD. The same way you have to wait and the rule is applicable to all human beings.
For you I am Your Sculpturist, I have selected you among all and started sculpturing you, bear the pains, don’t lose your confidence one day you will be Rich and famous with fulfilled dreams.
You have repeatedly visited this temple with a strong belief that one day you can meet me.
You never lost hope and made conversation with me through your mind
That’s the reason I am here.

Moral of the Story

A stone bears the pain and becomes a beautiful idol where the GOD lives
A man who bears the pain in life and he becomes blessed by GOD

Pain is the secret of life

Your life journey is mixed with held ups and failures you are travelling in a right path
You are travelling with full of joy without hurdles and effortless definitely you are journey is expected to be ended shortly.

-Swamy Vivekananda
 நீ  செல்லும் பாதையில் தடை கற்களும் தோல்விகளும் நிறைந்திருந்தால் நீ சரியான பதில் போய்க்கொண்டு இருக்கிறாய் என்று  அர்த்தம் .மாறாக உன் பயணம் தடை இல்லாத சோதனைகள் அற்ற பயணம் என்றால் பயணம் சீக்கிரம் முடியபோகிறது என்று அர்த்தம் 

-சுவாமி  விவேகானந்தா 

வலியை பொறுக்கும் பாறை சிலையாகிறது ,வலியை பொறுக்கும் மனிதன் மாமனிதன் ஆகிறான் 

வலியை  பொறுப்பது வலிமையின் அடையாளம் அதற்காக சந்தோசப்படுங்கள்  வாழ்கை இனிக்கும் 

வலியின் வேர்கள் என்றுமே கசப்பானவை ஆனால் அதன் கனிகள் இனிப்பானவை 

இளமையில் அழுபவன் முதுமையில் சிரிக்கின்றான் 
இளமையில் சிரிப்பவன் முதுமையில் அழுகின்றான்

 நம்மை மற்றவர் ஏமாற்றும்போது நமக்குள் ஏற்படுவது  வலி
மற்றவர்களை நாம் ஏமாற்றினால் அதனால் ஏற்படுவது உறுத்தல்

மனிதனுக்கு வலி  இருக்கலாம் ஆனால் உறுத்தல் இருக்கக்கூடாது

திறந்த மனமே இறைவனின் சன்னிதானம்

OK dear friends Good Day.


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